May Volunteer Spotlight- Tracie Stalvey

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Tracie Stalvey!

We asked Tracie what attracted her to CASA and to tell us a bit about her experience in this role,

"I was attracted to the CASA program because I am passionate about advocating for children and their rights. They often don't feel as though their voice isn't heard (or don't yet have a voice) and I love the idea that I can step in and be their voice for them. I think overall it is what I expected. However, I did not expect to form the bond that I have formed with the child(ren) on my cases. It is not always easy, but I truly am grateful to be able to volunteer with such a great organization. 
One of the things I have enjoyed most, is just learning so much. Our training is amazing and we learn an overwhelming (but valuable) amount of information but getting to work on a case as a CASA, I am able to interact with children and their families and ask more questions to better do the job I've volunteered for. I may bug our supervisors to death, but every question I am asked by my families, is an opportunity to learn and grow. As a teacher, I love kids, but I love being a CASA because I can truly advocate for children." 

Tracie is a dog mom to a six month old Aussie named Oliver, and she enjoys time outside playing with him and working in the garden. She also enjoys reading, working out, spending time with friends, and listening to true crime podcasts.

As a teacher, Tracie is understandably looking forward to summer! She is also excited to be going on a trip to Portugal and Spain with her brother, Ben, this coming December.

Thank you for your service Tracie!

Swearing in a New Group of Volunteers

CASA of East Tennessee watched proudly as five new advocates were sworn in at Knox County Juvenile Court.

These fantastic individuals completed 30 hours of training, court observation, mentorship, and court report writing practice.

This group is made up of four volunteers and CASA’s new Advocate Supervisor, Lisa Givonetti. We asked Lisa to tell us how she felt about getting sworn in at Knox County Juvenile Court and she said,

I am honored to be able to say that I am a CASA in three counties now! Each county and court is different and poses different challenges. I am excited to be learning about Knox County and to get to work with all our amazing volunteers.

The entire CASA of East Tennessee team is so grateful for the passion and dedication of these new advocates and we look forward to witnessing the impact they will make on Knox County children.

March Volunteer Spotlight- Kellie Stines

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Kellie Stines!

Kellie told us about the personal connections in her life that drew her to service with CASA, "My sister and brother-in-law were Foster Parents (and now adopted parents) to two amazing girls that had been removed from the home for neglect and being born drug addicted. I knew then I wanted to find a way to help other children in similar situations."

Kellie said she feels like she is making a difference and enjoys having the opportunity to meet other fabulous volunteers.

Kellie is an avid reader who enjoys baking (and eating, too) and loves traveling with her husband. Kellie and her husband moved to Knoxville in 2002. They reside with their rescue dog, Lulu, who Kellie says has been enjoying Kellie's 2021 retirement even more than Kellie herself. 

Kellie looks forward to traveling to Canada in June for her son's wedding, along with travel to Alaska later in the year. 

We are so grateful for you Kellie!

January Volunteer Spotlight-Yvonne Hanna

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Yvonne Hanna!

For Yvonne, the work of a CASA is deeply personal.

"I have desired to volunteer with CASA since our daughter was very young. I knew I had to wait for her to be older before moving forward as an advocate. I've always loved children and have had a desire to serve them. While Grace was growing up I oversaw children's departments in churches as well as running homeschool co-ops. I always knew one day, I would become a volunteer with CASA.
My desire to help vulnerable children runs deep. I was a child from a broken home. My father was an alcoholic, who after discharging his gun and throwing my Mother and I through a glass door, abandoned us. My Mother became a poor, single Mother and at first we slept on the couches of whoever would take us. She was a hard worker and soon we moved to a small apartment and then to a home. However, my Mother, was also mentally ill, controlling and abusive. After an attempted suicide at 16, with the help of social services, a school guidance councilor and loved ones, I left home. I often times went without meals but it was far better than enduring the pain at home. I'm thankful to the Lord that my story does not end there! When I see children in tough situations, unloved, abused, abandoned, I want to tell them that their upbringing does not have to define them, that they have worth and value and their beginning does not constitute their end! I'm proof of that! 
Being a CASA advocate has been both what I expected as well as more than what I expected. I can honestly say, I've learned that no matter how "easy" a case may look at first, don't assume that it will be. Speculate that there could be "more to the story". There can be quite a bit of "detective" work that comes along with being a CASA. "

Yvonne says she gets great satisfaction out of knowing that a child is in a better place because of the time, care, and dedication they receive from their CASA. She says a CASA can help change the future of not only the children she serves, but of future generations as well. 

Passionate travelers, Yvonne and her husband immigrated to the US from Canada in 1990 and have continued their travels with Knoxville as their home base. Yvonne also enjoys volunteering at church, reading, fishing, and entertaining. 

We are so grateful for you Yvonne!

December Volunteer Spotlight-Amy King

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. Please join us in recognizing Amy King!

Amy shared her kind, loving heart for this work with us,

"I wanted to find a way to continue to stay actively involved in advocating for all children, especially abused and neglected children. My husband and I fostered children in our home for over 10 years and I have taught children for many years. These times with the children and the memories with the children have been impactful in our lives. All children need a safe place were they feel loved, cared for, and learn to feel valued."

We asked Amy what she enjoys about this work and she replied,

"I have enjoyed meeting and working with all the people involved with the CASA cases especially the children, birth families, and all the CASA supervisors. I am always amazed how workers come together and work for the good of the children and strive to find what is best for the specific child and his/her situation. "

Amy loves spending time with her family and is looking forward to sharing Christmas traditions with her children and grandson. She is also looking forward to celebrating 30 years of marriage with her husband, Jody, this spring.

We are so grateful for you Amy!

Four New Advocates Sworn in

November 30, 2022

Four new advocates were sworn in at Knox County Juvenile Court on November 30, 2022. This group of CASAs completed 5 weeks of training including court observation and mentorship.

October Volunteer Spotlight-Clay Shwab

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. Please join us in recognizing Clay Shwab!

We asked Clay how he heard about CASA and what attracted him to this role. He said,

"While working on my dissertation at UT, I worked with judicially institutionalized teenage boys for three years. It was my most most rewarding experience. I heard about CASA from a professor at MC and thought it an opportunity to get back to that experience."

Clay told us what he enjoys about volunteering with CASA,

"I have found it fascinating to learn about each of the influences upon our children (parents, institutions, siblings, therapists, agencies, etc.) to get a holistic understanding for what might give them the greatest opportunity for success, presenting those findings to the court, and to, perhaps, have meaningful input into the lives of these children who are in such a need for something positive to happen for them."

Clay resides in Knoxville with his two springer spaniels and three horses. He enjoys travel, working on his farm, spending time with his adult children, and writing. He recently received a publishing contract for a book and is working toward its completion.

Thank you Clay!

End of Summer Swearing-In Ceremony

End of Summer Swearing-In Ceremony

On September 9, 2022, 8 new Court Appointed Special Advocates were sworn in as officers of the court.

These volunteers completed five weeks of training which included 30 hours of class time, court observation, case studies, and practice writing court reports.

One of these new advocates was Claire Biggs. We asked Claire what she thought about her pre-service training experience:

I thought I knew what I was getting into with CASA training, but I was wrong—in the best way. I had no idea how much CASA volunteers did or how impactful the work really was. I met seven other women in training, and they really restored my faith in humanity and my hope for the future. I’m so grateful that the children in foster care in Knox County will have them in their corner. We can’t help every child, but we can each help one at a time, and I’d trust these women to support my (theoretical) children.

As far as training goes, if you had told me hour one what I would know and be doing after hour 33, I would’ve laughed out loud. That’s how impossible it seemed. How could we learn all of this and walk away confident in our ability to take on our first cases? Well, we have Lauren to thank for that. She provided us with incredible direction, compassionate support, and actionable information all while navigating difficult subject matter. I know we were all sad when training ended. I never would’ve guessed those Monday and Tuesday training sessions would’ve meant so much to me on a personal level, and I’m so grateful I had that experience with my fellow advocates for having Lauren lead us through it all.
— Claire Biggs

CASA of East Tennessee is so grateful for each of these new advocates and we look forward to the positive impact they will have on the children of Knox County.

Spring Swearing-In-June 17, 2022

Spring Swearing-In Ceremony

Alicia Meeuwsen, along with Pearl the dog, and volunteers Yvonne Hanna and Cassie Lockhart were sworn in by Judge Tim Irwin on June 17, 2022. This small but dedicated group of volunteers swore an oath to serve Knox County children to the best of their ability in front of Knox County Juvenile Court. We are so grateful for these incredible volunteers!

September Volunteer Spotlight-

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we have selected two volunteers who do incredible work as a team on some really tough cases. We would like to offer a round of applause to Judy Miller and Susan Meehan!

Judy shared her story of how she got involved with CASA, "I spent my career with Knox County Schools working with preschool age children with special educational needs. During those years I worked with many young students who were in the foster care system. I did not want to leave that community behind when I retired and was drawn to CASA because of their mission to advocate for children who were in difficult family situations. I was also eager to learn more about the legal process which addressed the needs of these children."

Judy told us she has enjoyed meeting and interacting with the people who provide the support system for these children, including foster parents and all the people working within the court system.

We asked Susan how she got involved with advocacy and she said, "I have always been interested in becoming a CASA, because I truly do see a need in our community. I hesitated because I was concerned about the personal emotional impact of this kind of work. I am happy to say that this has not been an issue for me. I think when you are actively involved in advocating for children in court, as well as their sometimes complicated lives, the worry and concern is alleviated."

Susan shared her feelings about serving as a CASA alongside Judy, "I had no experience in child advocacy when I became a CASA, and for this reason, it was decided that I would be paired with Judy Miller, who spent her career working with children with special needs. We worked well together on our first case, and decided to become CASA partners on a permanent basis. We have worked many cases together and I have to say that in each case, I believe we made a positive difference in the lives of the child, the foster family, and the biological parents."

In addition to their casework, Judy and Susan share a love for travel and are both looking forward to future trips all over the world.

Thank you Judy and Susan!

August Volunteer Spotlight-Jennifer Wallace

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Jennifer Wallace!

Jennifer says, "As a retired teacher, it makes me happy to feel like I still have a way, although a very different way, to have an impact on kids. I didn't realize how hard it would be to make recommendations on a case. I think I expected things to be very black & white. In my particular case so far, things aren't always clear cut, and I frequently remind myself to think about what's best for the child. I've enjoyed getting to know the child that I'm advocating for, as well as the families involved."

Jennifer has lived in Knoxville for 17 years and says she almost always has some kind of home renovation going. She loves to read, exercise, and travel, and especially enjoys visiting her daughter (pictured) in Chicago. Jennifer said she and her daughter are planning a trip to Costa Rica at the end of the year. That, plus an upcoming move, will keep Jennifer busy with exciting new experiences!

Thank you Jennifer, we are so grateful for you!

July Volunteer Spotlight-Courtney Miller

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Courtney Miller!

Courtney says she has enjoyed getting to know the children of each case. She told us, "I was drawn to the CASA program because I believe all children deserve a voice and someone to advocate for them. I hope to become a foster parent one day. And I hope my experience with CASA will help prepare my family and I for the challenges that come with fostering. So far, being a CASA advocate has not been what I expected. I have been lucky to work with good people who have been open to CASA’s help. Being able to help them has been very rewarding."

Courtney, her boyfriend, Chavez, and their three dogs (Wrex, Cooper, and Navy) reside in Knoxville. Courtney says she and her boyfriend enjoy hosting cookouts for friends and family, and she enjoys taking care of her indoor and outdoor plants.

Courtney and her boyfriend are looking forward to traveling over the next several months, first to St. Louis to visit friends and later to Jamaica for a fun vacation.

Thank you Courtney!

June Volunteer Spotlight- Amy Sanders

June Volunteer Spotlight- Amy Sanders

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Amy Sanders!

Amy has been a CASA volunteer since October 2021. We asked her what drew her to this work and volunteering as an advocate has lined up with her expectations.

"When my husband and I became empty-nesters, I wanted to do something I felt was useful with my extra time. I have family members that volunteer as GALs in another state and heard their stories about situations some children find themselves in due to no fault of their own. It broke my heart! So I contacted CASA to see what it would take to be a part of helping children in Knoxville that find themselves in similar situations. So here I am, loving every minute of being a CASA and helping the children in my cases by advocating for them in the court system. My expectations going in as an advocate were that I would be skimming the surface of the cases, but mostly just visiting the children. It has been so much more interesting than I thought it would be. I love digging into the details of my cases and learning the background of the parties involved. It helps me better understand how and why the situations are the way they are."

Amy enjoys the feeling of making a difference in the lives of children. Outside of volunteering with CASA, Amy likes traveling, reading, and gardening, and says she's looking forward to home grown tomatoes and cucumbers this year. Amy and her husband have three children and two dogs, Milo and Oakley, who Amy says are very spoiled (the dogs, not the children).

Amy is looking forward to vacationing at the beach this summer, and she's planning a tropical getaway with her husband between Christmas and New Year's Day.

We are so grateful for you Amy!

May Volunteer Spotlight- Jeanie Gee

May Volunteer Spotlight- Jeanie Gee

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Jeanie Gee!

We asked Jeanie what attracted her to the CASA program and what she enjoys about her role as an advocate:
"There are so many things happening today with the children. My desire is to make a difference in one child's life. To keep them from harm in any way possible. Being a CASA volunteer has been a eye opening experience. Sometimes it can be a cut and dry case. But, sometimes it can be more than you expected or experienced. I learn something new in each case. I love seeing and spending time with the kids. They are all so special and unique, as unique as their case."

Jeanie has lived in Knoxville 23 years and is retired. In her spare time she enjoys fishing, swimming boating, and travel. She also enjoys reading and attending church.

Thank you for your service Jeanie!

April Volunteer Spotlight- Jenny Moore

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Jenny Moore!

Jenny and her husband, Dan

We asked Jenny what attracted her to the CASA program, and she told us:
"I first learned about CASA when my husband and I were in foster training about 15 years ago. During training I realized that my physical limitations would prevent me from being a foster parent and CASA was the way to go. In a world where you feel that you cannot make a difference CASA really can. Making a difference for one child has a ripple effect that can reach generations of children going forward."

Jenny enjoys making a difference in the lives of children. She says, "...I have been a CASA for well over a decade now and have seen former CASA children grow up in nurturing environments once given their voice. Some are now functional adults, which would not have happened without intervention due to their dysfunctional family situations."

Outside of her volunteer work with CASA, Jenny keeps busy by swimming four mornings as week (motivated by the reward of coffee afterward), gardening, walking, singing in her parish choir, and participating in several clubs.

Jenny and her husband, Dan, are avid travelers, having lived in 7 states, DC, and Germany before moving to Knoxville in 2020. They look forward to continuing their travels and hope to visit France and Poland in May. They have one, slightly more local visit planned prior to their adventure to Europe- a trip to Missouri to meet their third grandson, expected to arrive mid April.

Thank you Jenny!

March Volunteer Spotlight- Damaris Figueroa

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Damaris Figueroa!

Damaris told us that she was attracted to CASA because it allows everyday people like her to be a part of a bigger process simply by giving some of their time and heart.

We asked her what she enjoys about being a CASA and she said, "I've enjoyed a lot of things but the one that resonates the most with me is getting to see a small part someone's recovery and growth. The changes the clients go through is inspiring."

Damaris loves spending time with her children and grandchildren. After living in Miami and Denver, Damaris moved to Knoxville 20 years ago. She is currently living with her daughter as she searches for her new dream home.

Thank you Damaris!

First Swearing-In of 2022

First Swearing-In of 2022

Today’s swearing in ceremony feels like such an honor. The training CASA provided was thorough and so informative. I feel inspired and ready to help the cases I’m given. All of the volunteers in our class show the love and commitment to making a difference in our community.
— Kellie Stines, CASA Volunteer

A crowd of court staff, attorneys, magistrates, CASA board members, volunteers and staff, along with the new advocates’ friends and family, gathered at Knox County Juvenile Court on a rainy Wednesday morning. The excitement in the court made attendees quickly forget the weather outside as eight new advocates stood before Judge Tim Irwin.

Judge Irwin passionately instructed these volunteers to keep the confidentiality of their clients sacred, and emphasized the value of their work to the court. The new advocates raised their right hands proudly and swore to perform their duties as CASA volunteers with fidelity, and to the best of their abilities.

One volunteer, Kellie Stines, said this of her experience: “Today's swearing in ceremony feels like such an honor. The training CASA provided was thorough and so informative. I feel inspired and ready to help the cases I'm given. All of the volunteers in our class show the love and commitment to making a difference in our community.”

CASA of East Tennessee is proud of this group of new advocates, a mix of six new volunteers and our newest staff members, Amanda Wolfe and Kailee Kirkland.

Welcome new advocates!

February Volunteer Spotlight- Monica Irvine

February Volunteer Spotlight- Monica Irvine

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Monica Irvine!

We asked Monica what drew her to volunteer with CASA of East Tennessee and she said,
"About 25 years ago, I became aware of child abuse that was occurring with some children in my family. It was devastating. As we all recovered from the experience, I finally decided that I needed to do something positive with the pain I felt from our experience. So I started looking for a program where I could help children in possibly similar situations. That is what led me to CASA. Over the years, being a volunteer has brought healing to my soul. It is not an easy volunteer position. To me, it is extremely difficult at times. However, what leads me to continue on this journey (which has now been over 18 years), is knowing that I have and can play a role in literally saving children. That makes the hard days and difficult cases worth it. These children needs us so much. We can’t let them down."

Monica is a Knoxville native who enjoys adventures with her husband and grandchildren. She told us she feels gratitude for every day she gets to spend with her family.

Monica is CASA of East Tennessee's longest serving volunteer, having been with us for over 18 years!

Thank you Monica!

January Volunteer Spotlight- Pam Phipps

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Pam Phipps!

Pam shared her inspiration for becoming a CASA volunteer, "I wanted to be able to be the voice in court for children who are the innocent victims if the parent’s current situation. Being a CASA has been more than I expected. I have had the opportunity to help children but also to help the parents as well."

We asked Pam what she enjoys most about being an Advocate, "I have enjoyed meeting and spending time with the kids the most. They need as many support systems as possible during a difficult time in their young lives."

Pam moved to Knoxville with her husband, Billy, in May 2021. They enjoy a wonderful church family at City Hills Church and they are looking forward to visiting Italy in September.

Thank you Pam!

December Volunteer Spotlight- Jessica Sibley

Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Jessica Sibley!

We asked Jessica how she heard about CASA and how it may have met or challenged her initial expectations: "I was initially exposed to the CASA program through my experiences as a foster parent. While none of my prior kiddos have had an advocate, the topic has come up several times with other foster parents and in foster parent support groups. Being a CASA has been pretty similar to what I expected; however, I don't think I quite understood the impact that CASA could have on a case until my first hearing as an advocate."

Jessica has a beautiful heart for children in the court system. She told us, "I love getting to know the families I'm working with. Being able to work with families to ensure that the kids' needs are being met and they are in a good place is incredibly rewarding to me."

Jessica has lived in Knoxville her whole life and spends her time as a part time substitute teacher, a full time mom, and she also enjoys working with the Isaiah 117 House organization. She enjoys reading, spending time in nature, and being with her family.

Jessica's home is bustling with activity. "My home is ever changing and a little bit crazy! We have a "core group" that consists of myself, my husband David, and my 13 year old biological son, Gabriel. I also have three foster children living with me right now. I have a 17 year old foster son who is about to turn 18 in December and try his hand at adulthood, parenthood, and being out in the world on his own. I also have a foster daughter who will be 2 years old in December. She has lived with us for almost a year and a half now. She is full of sass and as the only girl, she definitely rules the roost at our house. We also have an infant foster son who just joined us and is keeping us all on our toes. Last but not least we have Abby, our 7 year old Great Dane and Cherry our 3 year old cat. My oldest foster son is about to make me a Grandma(ish)! I'm super excited to meet this little peanut."

We are so grateful for you Jessica!