Each month, CASA of East Tennessee shines a spotlight on a particular volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their service of Knox County children. This month, we would like to offer a round of applause to Jared Eisenhower!

We asked Jared some questions about his experience volunteering with CASA, as well as some questions about his life outside of volunteering.

Q. What attracted you to the CASA program and has being a CASA advocate been what you expected?

A. I was initially attracted to CASA because I wanted to find a way to get more involved in helping Knoxville’s underprivileged communities. CASA has been more challenging and rewarding than I had originally expected. It takes commitment and effort to properly advocate for a child’s best interest, but seeing that impact and helping a child is an incredibly rewarding experience.

Q. What have you enjoyed about being a CASA Volunteer?

A. Being a CASA volunteer is very rewarding when you start to make a connection with a child and see them understand that you are there to help. There is a great community of volunteers and staff that help at every step along the way.  

Q. What do you do with your free time outside of volunteering with us?

A. I enjoy drawing, exercising, going to concerts and watching the Vols.

Q. How long have you lived in Knoxville?

A. I lived in Knoxville for the first 22 years of my life. After college, I moved to New York City for 6 years and recently moved back in 2021.

Q. Who do you live with? Do you have any pets?

A. I live with my wife, Taylor, and my dog, Midnight.

Q. Is there anything big coming up in your life that you're excited about?

A. My older brother is getting married this fall and my sister-in-law is also getting married this upcoming spring. There is a lot of wedding talk happening in both households so it is a fun and exciting time for the families!